Turkmenistan living Prosperous epoch of the Powerful State continues to be sample of stability to the region and world with rapid developments achieved in all areas of the economy. In the wise leadership of President of Turkmenistan Esteemed Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov, huge amounts of investments are directed to all sectors in order to transform our country to the country of industry.
2016th year was declared as the year of “Respect for Heritage, Reformation of Motherland” as the proof of respect that Turkmen people feel for their history originating from millenniums and rich civilization. Sport facilities and schools are opened in the various places of our country for our citizens that are the most valuable treasure of our country to do sports according to healthy life principles and continue their lives as physically and mentally healthy individuals. Great works are carried out in order to increase international sports prestige of our country. Our Capital Ashgabat city which is the pearl of the Central Asia will host V Asian Indoors and Martial Arts Games in 2017. In 5 May, 2016 President of Turkmenistan Esteemed Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov launched a 500-day horse run relay race that will be held in regard to last 500 days left until the opening day of these games starting from the historical “Nusay” castle and include all velayats of our country. This horse run relay race will be completed in Olympic Complex in the starting day of Aziada-2017. To organize this huge sport event at highest level, Olympic Complex is being constructed in the city of Ashgabat. Olympiad Complex, largest complex of the region, includes over 30 different facilities, including social-living, transportation and other infrastructures. Total cost of the facilities is 5 billion dollars. Construction of the village will be carried out in three stages.
Complex of game sports
This building is one of the largest buildings of the complex for its capacity of the grandstands and stands second after the Olympic Stadium. The building has a universal arena 70х40m which will be the place for various sport competitions. Arena is equipped with specialized equipment for each sport individually, in accordance with international rules.
Complex of martial arts
This arena for 5,000 seats can hold competitions for many types of martial arts. The main room has a size of 52m x 30m, which allows placing 3 mats at the same time. Competition in such types as wrestling, boxing, sambo, taekwondo, and weightlifting can be carried out in this arena. Olympic requirements to such kinds of sports were taken into account in the design of the building.
Medical-recreation center
Medical recreation center is a two-story building and is located in proximity to the rest of sporting facilities of the complex. Requirements for similar premises of medical and preventive treatment facilities were taken into account when designing the building. Premises medical rehabilitation center combined in two blocks, hydrotherapy room is located in one of them and in the other - physical and therapeutic department. In addition, medical and recreation center provides a number of specialized divisions: physical culture and sports clinic, a mini-laboratory with testing facilities, anti-doping control laboratory, research department, as well as psychological relief section. Activities of this center willenable to use it as polyclinic for the needs of population.
Training halls
Practice halls are designed as part of a sports complex in the city of Ashgabat in order to create the most favorable conditions for the athletes. The design includes two separate buildings each of which has its own set of practice halls. One of them is provided in close proximity to the indoor arena for 15 000 seats and includes practicing facilities designed primarily for team sport games such as handball, volleyball, basketball ... Another building is located next to indoor arena for 5 000 seats and specified for martial arts competitions. There is a special kind of battle – “Gores” which is the Turkmen national sport. It was born in the ancient Turkmen land many centuries ago and has become a traditional national sport, one of the most popular among the population.
The restaurant is located in the picturesque place of the Olympic Complex, on the bank of an artificial pond and represents a structure of three bowls, rising one above the other. The roof has two terraces that can be used in the summer time and accommodate another 312 people. National cuisine of many countries, including the traditional dishes of the Turkmen cuisine will be presented here.
Business Center is designed on the south side of the 10 Years of Prosperity str. and consists of three blocks: a high-rise block, the block of low-rise buildings and connecting bridge. The building is constructed in single architectural style corresponding to the style of other buildings in the complex. On the upper floors of the business center offices of the Committee of Turkmenistan for Sports will be located. The remaining space will be provided to sports federations, societies and organizations.
Multipurpose sport grounds
Within the framework of the Olympic complex in Ashgabat there are 2 outdoor areas envisaged for training in track and field athletics and football. The site is designed in compliance with required dimensions and needs of track and field athletics and football. Multipurpose sports grounds with stands for 1,000 seats. Under the podium there are various necessary facilities for the needs of athletes and spectators. Grandstand covered with roof is decorated with Turkmen national architectural ornaments.
VIP sportblock
The structure includes a universal gym 40х20m, swimming pool 25х12, 50 m, two gyms and water-recreation department with sauna, Italian and Turkish baths, massage rooms and a relaxation room. The building is equipped with modern technical facilities and the necessary sports equipment.
Cultural center
Cultural center is located near the residential buildings in athlete village and is a 3 storey building together with basement floor. Sportsmen that will be staying in athlete village will be able to use that premise for cultural and social activities. This center has cafeteria, restaurant, cinema, cafe, museum, library, hairdresser, music room, bank, shop, dry laundry and places like post service.
“Olimpia” and “Sport” hotels
These hotels are located in the south part of the Complex. Olympia Hotel with a 450 bed capacity has eight stores. The hotel will be provided for accommodation of VIP guests and delegations. The interior of the building is decorated in Turkmen national style.
“Sport” hotel with bed capacity of 800 has also a press center. This hotel is provided for accommodation of foreign guests, delegations, representatives of sports federations and mass media.
Cafes and restaurants, meeting rooms, 700 seating capacity conference room, halls for official receptions and banquets, sports-rehabilitation sections and SPA center are included in these hotels.