

In the Prosperous epoch of the Powerful state, in the wise leadership of President of Turkmenistan Esteemed Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov, 2016th year was declared as “The Year of Respect for Heritage, Reformation of Motherland”. Declaration of this double-winged slogan in the year which will include joyful celebrations of 25th anniversary of our Sacred State Independency composed a spiritual happiness in the heart of Turkmen people.

In our country, organizing Magtymguly Pyragy’s Poetry day has become a magnificent tradition. Extent of activities organized in regard to the Poetry day of the poet is increasing day by day. Thus, among Turkmen poets, literal works of Magtymguly Pyragy kneaded with wisdom are the most learned literal works that are translated to the foreign languages. Magtymguly Pyragy’s Poetry day is an important activity not only in our country, Poetry days are celebrated also in foreign countries continuously.

 In May 16, 2016 a scientific conference devoted to declaration of 2016th year as “The Year of Respect for Heritage, Reformation of Motherland” and the Poetry day of Magtymguly Pyragy was organized by Consulate General of Turkmenistan in Istanbul at the rectorate building of Istanbul University. Chairmen of several science and educational organizations, scientists and Turkmen and Turkish students studying in the city of Istanbul attended the conference.

This conference was opened by the speech of Consul General of Turkmenistan. During the conference, Chairman of Turkish academy of sciences Ahmet Cevat Acar, Rector of Istanbul University Mahmut Ak, Rector of Turkmen national institute of world languages named after D. Azady Saparberdy Charyyev, dean of Faculty of Literature of Istanbul University Mustafa Ozkan, academic member of Ankara University Associate Professor Berdi Saryyev, academic member of Istanbul University Associate Professor Nurcan Guder, Chairman of Turkey-Turkmenistan association of solidarity and cooperation Necdet Aygun and others gave speeches.

They emphasized the high levels reached by Turkmenistan, respect shown to the heritage and culture in our Motherland and told about life and literal works of Magtymguly Pyragy. In this conference which had rich content and highly character, scientific Turkmen and Turkish students read wonderful poems of Magtymguly Pyragy. During the conference, souvenir presents from the name of Esteemed President of Turkmenistan were presented to the guests and Certificates of appreciation were given to actively attending students. At the end of this social event, Turkmen students sang songs and played interesting stage performances and Turkmen traditional foods were presented to conference participants.