The developed sports infrastructure and huge attention which is given by President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov to the sports sphere - the major resource of public progress, became an important condition which has caused the choice of Turkmenistan as a venue for the 5th Asian Indoor and Martial Arts Games. Thanks to the large scale work, today our capital has unique sports objects in region answering to the international standards and allowing organizing competitions at the highest level. Besides it, for successful organization of the «Ashgabat 2017» an independent agency for providing a doping control of sportsmen, who take part in competitions, has been created.
President of the National Olympic Committee, President of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov defined important tasks of organization of the 5th Asian Indoor and Martial Arts Games with observance of Olympic principles, excluding of any application of doping means.
With a view of training of local experts in modern technologies of doping tests in March, this year in Ashgabat the session of the Executive committee of Central Asian regional anti-doping organizations and also an educational seminar on preparation of national inspectors of doping control. By results of training certificates of doping officers which allow them to carry out a doping test of sportsmen in the international sports competitions, were handed to our experts.
For preservation of cleanliness of Turkmen sports and coordination of control of application of dope our country co-operates with the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA). As a result of close work with this authoritative international sports organization on March 17, 2017 the National Anti-Doping Agency of Turkmenistan (NADAT) was officially opened. The agency was founded by the National Olympic Committee, State Sports Committee, Ministry of Health and Medical Industry, Youth Organization and Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs of Turkmenistan.
Yet during its registration the NADAT together with the department of medicine and anti-doping of the Executive Committee for the 5th Asian Indoor and Martial Arts Games started to test sportsmen during the Ashgabat competitions in kickboxing. In coordination with the Asian Federation of Kickboxing, the agency developed the method of gathering of tests which corresponded to the procedural requirements of the World Anti-Doping Agency Code. Tens of athletes passed the doping tests which were carried out by NADAT experts and then their results were sent for check in the laboratory of the WADA in Doha (Qatar).
Also in the Mejlis (parliament) passed meetings with representatives of the National Anti-Doping Agency of Turkmenistan for the purpose of development of the Law of Turkmenistan on combat of doping in sports. The law was approved by the Mejlis of Turkmenistan and signed by President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov on June 3, 2017. Besides it, the national anti-doping rules were developed and national anti-doping program was confirmed by the WADA.
During the «Ashgabat 2017» the NADAT held an educational program "Outreach", whose purpose - acquaintance of participants of competitions with anti-doping activity organizations, and also informing on consequences of use of doping. More than thousand sportsmen from different countries participated in the given program.
For the nearest future the NADAT plans the development of national anti-doping programs of Turkmenistan for 2017-2018.
The centre of doping control located in the capital Olympic village, provides impartial check of participants of the 5th Asian Indoor and Martial Arts Games. It is an especially protected object the territory of which is open for accredited doping control officers only that provides security and confirms authenticity of doping tests handed over by sportsmen before each competition. Moreover, the admission to all objects which are in immediate proximity from the centre, excepting any possibility of penetration in its territory, is toughened.
In the doping control centre the latest equipment approved by international anti-doping organizations, was established and capable with the maximum accuracy to reveal dope presence. At the disposal of experts - biochemical analyzer «Cobas E411», made by the German company «Roche Diagnostics GmbH»; hematological immune-chemical analyzer "Sysmex" of the German company «Sysmex Europe GmbH»; the device of gas chromatography «TSQ800EVO», made by the company «Thermo Fisher Scientific» (USA), and also the device of liquid preparative chromatography «UltiMate 300» manufactures of the same company.
Over doping control maintenance in the «Ashgabat 2017» a set of international organizations and structures which impartially estimate results of doping tests, work. Among them - WADA, National Anti-Doping Agency of Great Britain (UKAD), the British company «Trivandi Chanzo», National Olympic Committee of Turkmenistan and others.
Cooperation with the world anti-doping organizations and systematic escalating of individual experience in this area is one more indicator of active integration of Turkmenistan with the international community which provides strengthening of mutually advantageous relations with foreign countries not only in sports, but also in political, social, economic spheres.