On 21 March 2018 a concert, exhibition and a reception was organized in Istanbul by Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality, Istanbul Governorate and Consulates General of Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Azerbaijan devoted for the celebration International Novruz Holiday. Additionally, professors, residents of Istanbul and journalists alongside with students from Turkmenistan and other countries participated to the activities.

At the celebration site, where cultural houses of the Novruz celebrating fellow nations, participants noted that they are celebrating their symbolic Central Asian brotherly traditional feast “Novruz”. It has a significant importance, that Novruz Holiday is celebrated in the countries where the Great Silk Road passed through, as this year has been declared as “Turkmenistan – The Heart of the Great Silk Road.”

At the celebrations, the Central Asian songs were voiced and national dance performances were performed by the artists. The shows were welcomed with great excitement by the audience.

In addition, an exhibition was organized showing Turkish and Central Asian art and handicrafts, reception was held where the participants were offered dishes of national cuisine. At the reception, Turkmen national Don-Telpek were given as a gift to the Governor of Istanbul Vasip Şahin and to the Mayor of Istanbul Mevlüt Uysal. At the cultural house where clothes, arts and crafts of Central Asian countries were exhibited, books by the President of Turkmenistan, souvenirs in the national style, as well as publications telling about the tourism potential of the country.

This 2018th year is very important to the Turkmen people which honour its ancient history and rich culture, as it was declared as “Turkmenistan – The Heart of the Great Silk Road”. It must be noted that Turkmenistan transforms into a hub of transit and transportation in the region and the world. Turkmenistan with its rich energy and natural resources, transport opportunities, geopolitical role and positive policy of cooperation in the field of transportation contributing to the sustainable future of Eurasian continent.